First of all, I want to invite everyone back to the museum on September 7th 2021 for our first in person Guild Membership Meeting in more than two years! Hallelujah! Please plan to attend. The social starts at 6:00pm with hors d’oeuvres and beverages; followed by a business meeting and a guest speaker. We are trying to get Rich Smoker from Marion Station, MD, near Crisfield, MD. Rich is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Ward Foundation in Salisbury, MD.
We have now been operating the museum and its grounds as a venue for weddings, concerts, parties, reunions, or business retreats. Please be ready to recommend the museum as a venue for any event. For more information you may visit the de Witt Cottage Website at thedewittcottage.org or the museum website at awhm.org. You may also contact Martha Davenport at thedewittcottage@gmail.com or Lynn Hightower at director@atwildfowl.org. Martha has done a wonderful job of booking up our venue for the rest of the 2021. Please check out the save the date section of the upcoming events in this newsletter.
The Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum’s online gift shop is three years old! Please visit awhm.org online store and browse our collection of items for sale. We will be adding new items daily throughout the summer. Ten Percent of every online purchase goes to help rescue injured wildfowl or protect environmentally sensitive wetlands. Shipping on every purchase is FREE! You can also come shop in person at the Museum Gift Shop. Please support your museum.
The museum gardens are in full bloom and absolutely gorgeous; please come by and visit with us soon! Our garden club has worked diligently to rearrange and build new gardens all winter long. Special thanks to Jacky and Tom Richards and Martha and Larry Davenport.
Thanks, Lynn Hightower