Happy Valentines Day to Everyone,
The curation committee of your Board of Directors is working hard to find some new and stimulating exhibits for Spring of 2022. We wish to thank Bill Hall of Bloxom, VA for allowing us to borrow his collection of Miles Hancock decoys for the last two years. We also would like to thank Mark and Margie Cromwell for the loan of their collection of Mark McNair wood carvings for the past two years.
We are excited to announce our first program for 2022 will be on February 10, 2022. We have 20 Pocomoke Middle School Students arriving from Pocomoke, Maryland, to see our Ocean Friendly Garden and to learn about Surfrider Foundation’s Ocean Friendly Garden Program. The seventh graders will be educated in Conservation, Permeability of soil, and the Retention of runoff. The CPR for garden integrity.
In July 2021 we were recognized by The Surfrider Foundation as an Ocean Friendly Garden. That certification is the whole reason we are able host groups like the one coming from Pocomoke Middle School. In January we were certified as a Pearl Business by The Lynnhaven River Now Foundation. All of this is possible because of the hard work of three people; Tom & Jacky Richards and Martha Davenport, we call them the deWitt Cottage Garden Club. If you would like to volunteer for the deWitt Cottage Garden Club, please contact the museum director at director@atwildfowl.org or by calling 757-286-3092
The start of the New Year is like starting a new chapter in the book of your life. It’s the chance to reflect on the past 365 days while also setting goals to propel you towards happiness. Maybe in the past year you survived a pandemic, helped a cherished family member or friend, enjoyed a vacation, or simply spent time with loved ones—whatever it may be, now’s the time to cherish the memories you made, and think about what could make the next year even better. 2022 kicks off a new opportunity to grow our membership. We have some exciting plans to reach out to our community and invite them into our organization. But the best recruiting tool for new members is you! By reaching out to people you know and encouraging them to join, you can have a positive impact on the growth of our organization. If every member can find a new member to join we can double our current membership in 2022!
Lynn Hightower