Well, take a look at the calendar. It’s May, and that means “Spring Fling” a May tradition for members of the Back Bay Wildfowl Guild. On Monday evening May 1, 2023, a much smaller but nonetheless enthusiastic group came to the Lucky Oyster in Strawbridge Market Place. They dined on Oysters, Shrimp, and Fish along with the beverage of their choice. We had 25 members, and their guests participate in this annual fundraiser. In 2019 we had 78 members, and their guests participate. While the turnout was disappointing, it was not surprising considering this was the first one since 2019. The evening concluded with a raffle where we gave away three beautifully framed prints, two nice bottles of wine, and some swag with the museum logo on it. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the museum.
At the end of this year, I will be stepping down as the Director of the Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum. Back in February, I advised the Board of Directors of my decision to leave, they have begun a search for my replacement. The hope is we can find my replacement soon so that the new director can make an easy and informed transition into the director’s job. If you know anyone who might be interested in the position, please have them email: director@awhm.org expressing their interest.
On Friday, May 5, 2023 (Cinco de Mayo), the museum played host to 56 business leaders from across Hampton Roads. They were all members and guests of Bizconnect Hampton Roads, a business networking group. The group enjoyed margaritas, mimosas, and bloody marys. They dined on egg fajitas, pimento cheese and cucumber slices, chips with homemade salsa and guacamole, and an assortment of pastries. Everyone seemed to enjoy learning about the museum and its mission. It was a great opportunity to expose a very diverse group of local leaders to the museum.