GRANDY, NC | APRIL 19, 1885 – APRIL 1, 1979
Ike quit school at a young age and started working on the waters of the Currituck Sound. As a young teenager (14) he got his first job as a Marsh Guard at The Narrows Island Club and was paid one dollar a day. Working for the club was labor intensive and included jobs such as baiting the blinds, setting out live decoys, taking hunters out to the blinds and observing the marshes for intruders. The caretaker for the club was Ashley Corbell, Ike’s uncle, who he was employed by for many years.
Ike had a passion for hunting waterfowl during his FREE time and kept his boat at Neal’s Creek Landing. Ike made several stands of coot decoys to go with his other decoys. These coots were for his personal use only. The redhead coots have an appealing and folky look and are very collectible.