Like the majority of you I have been spending my days at home. This has given me the opportunity to catch up on my chores and my list of honey dos. I never imagined that I would live to see a time when the entire country would come to such a slowdown. I’m fearful for my family and friends that the way back to normal is going to be slow, bumpy, and wrought with grief. Simply the thought of 63,000 dying from this virus in the last 45 days is mind boggling. I am praying to our Lord above, that he has mercy on us and lifts us up out of this pandemic.
We would typically be preparing to have dinner at the Lucky Oyster next week to celebrate the renewal of the Spring and Summer seasons. But like everything else since March 9th, the celebration has been cancelled. I look forward to seeing everyone when our lives can return to normal!
2020 Membership dues were due on January 1, 2020. We typically collect the dues through April of each year and then begin sending invoices to unpaid members in May. If you have not paid your membership dues, then I simply request that you please pay them if that is at all possible. With the doors of the museum closed there is no other revenue coming into the museum and we could sure use the help. We will resume our practice of sending out monthly invoices when we are able to open the museum again. All memberships run on the calendar year, so if you have paid your 2020 membership dues, your membership is good until December 31, 2020.
A few threads making their way through Nextdoor include (a) pedestrian/bicyclist confrontations – please respect the controls imposed on the bike bath and boardwalk – bike on bike path, walk/jog/run on
boardwalk. Bicyclists – please give audible warnings when passing. (b) Beaches remain closed except for fishing and exercising (e.g., walking alone or with dog(s), surfing, running, jogging). (c) Dogs are allowed to run loose – provided they’re under handler’s control – in dog parks, but not the playing fields of closed schools.
Please monitor for the latest and greatest.
While you are unable to physically visit the museum; you can visit virtually on your devices. Simply go to the following links on the internet:
Lynn Hightower
Museum Director