I hope and pray that each of you have had a relaxed and safe Spring. You may or may not be aware that we closed our doors on March 10, 2020 in direct response to the Coronavirus emergency. We remained closed until Friday, June 5, 2020. It seems like a decade has passed since we lasted opened. So much has happened in our nation, our state and our community. I am hopeful that all of the pain, sorrow and suffering will soon be healed. I believe we are at a crossroads in our democracy, and I pray we head in the right direction.
Memorial Day has come and gone. It is so important that we take the time to stop and remember all of the men and women who have given their lives that we might enjoy the freedom we have in this country.
The Museum has started its summer schedule and will now be open seven days a week, 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Sunday. We have a new Antique Decoy display on loan from Bill Hall of Bloxom, VA on the Eastern Shore. We also have the original art winner of the Virginia Duck Stamp Contest on display. Please come and visit with us!
As we come to the end of our fiscal year, June 30, 2018, we anticipate that we will end the period with a little surplus this year. This is the third consecutive year in a row we have accomplished this task, and it is a direct result of the hard work your Board of Directors has invested.
The garden is just starting to bloom into its full glory. A lot of hard work has been put in by the members of the deWitt Cottage Garden Club. The gardens have been cleaned up, expanded, and had new plants added. If you have any desire to garden, please consider joining the deWitt Cottage Garden Club. It is an opportunity to learn how to garden in a hostile, saltwater environment from Master Gardeners.
If you have not paid your membership dues for 2020, you will be receiving an invoice during the month of June. All memberships now run from the date you last paid your dues for 365 consecutive days. For example, if you paid your dues on January 6, 2020, then your dues for 2021 will be due on January 6, 2021. I will help you stay current and in good standing.
Museum Director