Speaking of Labor, I would like to recognize our deWitt Cottage Garden Club President, Jacky Richards. For the third year in a row now she and her very small band of helpers have won recognition from the Council of Garden Clubs in Virginia Beach and the Virginia Beach Beautification Commission as an “Award of Merit” Winner! Jacky is usually at the museum daily, as the sun comes up, tending to the museum gardens. Occasionally, her husband Tom, will stop by long enough to break something. Tom also serves on our Board of Directors. Jacky we are very grateful to you for your hard work and leadership in maintaining the most beautiful gardens on the oceanfront, Thank you!
I would also like to recognize our new Events Coordinator, Martha Davenport. Martha is the wife of our Treasurer, Larry Davenport. Martha is working hard to make the deWitt Cottage a prime location venue for weddings, reunions, parties, and any other type of celebration. As a retired accounts manager she brings much needed skills that will allow us, as a venue, to become much more self-sufficient. Martha has already booked two weddings for May of 2020. Thank you Martha!
On Thursday, September 12, 2019 from 3:00-5:00pm there will be an official Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting at the deWitt Cottage for the Shore Gallery Seaside Gift Shop. Rosemary Wilson, Virginia Beach City Council, will be on hand to assist in cutting the ribbon. Sean and Kathleen Rooney, gift shop owners invite you to attend the ribbon cutting. There will be a reception to follow the ribbon cutting.
Finally, Our Museum Membership Meeting will be held Tuesday, September 3, 2019. Our guest speaker will be Chad Boyce from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. Chad’s work is primarily on impoundments in S.E. VA with a major focus on restoration of SAV’s (submerged aquatic vegetation) and the Large Mouth Bass fishing in Back Bay. Chad will share interesting info on historical salinity data and other aspects of this constantly changing ecosystem. Chad has been with VA DGIF for 16 yrs. and was previously with VMRC for four years. His work area extends from VA Beach to Emporia and includes the Eastern Shore. Social starts at 6:00pm and the program will start at 7:00pm
Jason Seward